Monday, March 28, 2016


When I was growing up, these four TV programs were my favorite programs to watch.  I so loved these shows that I even had a Bionic Woman doll.  I dreamed of having special powers like these women had: the power to change things, to make things disappear, to make things appear, to do physical feats I could never do as I was so athletically challenged.

I was bullied as a child, and I 
had numerous surgeries, so I guess I felt pretty powerless in my life.  I emulated these women, these strong lead female characters that could carry a show.  

Nowadays, there are so few strong female lead characters.  I suppose that's why I liked the Hunger Games series.  I could relate to Katniss. 
I felt as lost as she did. Although I was not living in an apocalyptic world, I was battling my own enemies when as a child I felt so inept.

I guess that's why I also loved the new Star Wars movie, with Rey being revealed as a Jedi.  It makes me want to whip out my light saber and do some action!  

And finally, I am so excited about the new Wonder Woman!  I have lamented for years about how there are so many male superhero movies but so few women, or they are in the background, like Black Widow.  I don't like spiders, so why would I want to emulate one?  

This new Wonder Woman will have her own movie next year, which I am over the moon about.  It's about time they realize that female superheroes are needed for our young girls.  There are so much oversexualized females that make a big noise with no talent or morals that they have no one to look up to.  We females, who still feel powerless sometimes as we are battling our own enemies, need these strong women to relate to, to make us feel like we can conquer, and overcome the powers of evil.  We need to know that we can!

Thursday, March 24, 2016


God is God and I am not
Who am I to question Him?
He is God, He is in control
He gives and He takes away.

The master of the universe
The molder of the earth
He breathed life into creation
He shaped the heavens above.

He turned the world upside down
In the birth of His Son
All the rules changed
In the birth of His Son. For

The first will be last, the last will be first
The strong will be weak, the weak will be strong
The healthy will be sick, the sick will be healthy
The rich will be poor, the poor will be rich

Nothing belongs to me, all belong to Him
For I am nothing without Him
I have nothing without him

God wills what He wills.
He causes the mountains to rise
The valleys to lay low
The sun to shine
The clouds to rain

He causes life to live
Life to die
Death to life
Forevermore in Him

God is God.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The ADA: Then and Now

The year 2010 marked the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, a civil rights law that protects citizens with disabilities against discrimination in employment, public transportation and accommodation, and telecommunications.  As an adult with a disability, I wondered if the Americans with Disabilities Act advanced the employment status of people like me.    
In analyzing employment statistics from the Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, and American Community Survey, two factors became apparent.  First, the rate of employment advanced for those with disabilities in the 1990s, from under a quarter of to more than half of that population.  Since the turn of the millennium, that rate has receded back down to a quarter.  Second, in regards to yearly income, the disparity between the employees with disabilities and employees without disabilities stayed the same over the last fifteen years.  Increases and decreases throughout the years stayed the same in each group so that employees without disabilities earned more than $10,000 to $20,000 than employees without disabilities. 

Over the last twenty years, what did the government develop to improve the employment status of adults with disabilities?  The Internal Revenue Code provided three tax incentives for employers to hire such populations.  First, the small business tax credit provided up to $5,000 annual tax credit for reasonable accommodation purposes. Second, the work opportunity tax credit assisted those employees at the poverty level, those who collect social security benefits, and for adolescent workers who qualify.  Last, the architectural-transportation tax deduction provided up to $15,000 tax credit to remove barriers and other physical adaptations. 

In addition, if a present or prospective employee believed that he or she experienced discrimination, the person could file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).  The EEOC held records from 1997 to 2009 in regards to complaints filed with the commission.  In 1997, the EEOC received 18,100 complaints, and in 2009 they received 21,500, the highest amount recorded.  Since the amendment to the ADA in 2008 included more disabilities in its definition, that may have accounted for the higher number of complaints.  In 1997, four percent of cases settled, while in 2009, eleven percent settled.  These studies reveal the enforcement inadequacy of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Finally, there existed private and public disability insurance plans, which included Social Security Disability Insurance and Social Security Supplemental Income.  However, these social programs may not lead to employment, for fear of loss of services or health insurance.  Also, Vocational Rehabilitation and One-Stop Career Centers already operated all over the nation.  Nevertheless, these services may not have lead to employment either, due to redundancy or delay. 

I meant this article to act as an impetus to American society to live out the Declaration of Independence, in that, “all men are created equal,” and that everyone has the right to, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  I hope the next twenty years of the Americans with Disabilities Act will become more beneficial towards those that it serves, that all peoples would be considered equal in the workplace. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Night Driving

I feel like I have woken up from a fog that lasted since fall of 2014, when my beloved cat, Chocolate, died.  I didn't really think that I would have such a hard time, I thought I was prepared for his loss. But I wasn't.

I realized later that when I adopted pets and returned them, it wasn't a massive failure on my part, or to feel overly shameful and guilty.  I just wasn't ready, even though I thought I was.  

I've had pets all my life.  But Chocolate was my first and only one that I was responsible for.  The one and only that was totally dependent on me, and me on him.  This is not healthy, I now realize.  But I needed him as much as he needed me.  After he died, I was spent.  All my love and care went with him.  

Now I can think of him and not cry, now I don't imagine him everywhere in his favorite spots. 

I went to counseling that was mostly useless and a waste of my time and money.  I have had so much counseling over the years that I could probably counsel them!  I went to support groups that were anything but.  And I went on anti-anxiety meds that caused me more anxiety.

And then my dad fell.  I had my car accident.  I had a sore arm and hand for 8 months that went away as inexplicably as it came.  

Now I sit here on a gloomy winter day, a day after we had record highs, it was sunny, and I didn't have to wear a coat!  But I am happy.  Why?  Because I think I had to grieve.  And it takes time to grieve.  In fact, that's all you can do, is wait, maybe not so patiently, for the grief to be over. You have no control over it.  You can't will yourself to stop crying.  You just have to sit in your grief and wallow in it.  Not even knowing if you will ever get through it.  

I guess maybe that doesn't sound so hopeful.  But I can look back and know that God was with me.  I didn't feel Him, see Him or hear Him.  I wasn't even aware of Him during that awful time.  But in retrospect, He was there.  I guess in all the times of pain and grief in my life, I can know that God is with me.  He will not abandon me or give up on me.  Even when I screw up and make utterly bad decisions, His face still shines upon me.  And in that, I can have hope.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


During the U.S. political campaigns, I thought about how divisive both the Democratic and Republican parties are.   In the past, this division created gridlock during the legislative sessions.  In the beginning, political parties were created to ensure that government of the people, by the people, for the people would exist.  Americans choose their representatives who reflect the varied opinions that make America the democracy that it is.  So what are the two main political parties, and is there any hope that they can be united in purpose?

            The Democratic Party is the oldest, continual party in the United States.  On the political spectrum, it is center-left.  Its ideological position is social liberalism.  This is defined as favoring higher taxation and economic regulation.  It also seeks governmental business enterprises and governmental assistance of basic needs, education, and health care.  Social liberalists believe in the individual rights of people, in that they have the right to believe what they want, say what they want, and live how they want. 

            The Republican Party is also titled the Grand Old Party.  On the political spectrum, it is center-right.  Its ideological position is social conservatism.  This is described as favoring lower taxes and limited governmental assistance.  It also pursues free market and trade, and deregulation of the economy.  Social conservatives believe that there are traditional cultural values that people should adhere to for a civil society, and that the public needs to balance individual rights with the community’s interests. 

            In order for there to be unity among the representatives in government, two things must be remembered: the purpose of the branches of government, and the original intentions the founding fathers expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.  The executive branch’s purpose is to lead the country and military, pass or veto bills, and make treaties with other nations.  The legislative branch’s tasks are to collect federal taxes to provide for governmental services, develop bills, and regulate the economy.  The judicial system’s duty is to interpret the Constitution in matters of law and set precedents. 

            The Declaration of Independence is a statement of seceding from the British Empire.   This document states that all men are created equal, and each has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land.  Its main purpose was to create the branches of government.  The Bill of Rights is a list of amendments to the Constitution.  The most eminent are the five freedoms: religion, speech, petition, assembly, and press.   Other notable rights are right to bear arms, right to privacy, and criminal rights.  More amendments have been passed since, mainly to ensure that all American citizens, above 18 years, have the right to vote.  

            After briefly detailing the governmental branches and documents, what can we deduce from this collection of definitions?  The powers that be must protect our nation from any foe and establish diplomacy with any allies.  They are also responsible for making decisions that protect our rights as listed in the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights.   Our representatives’ duty is to provide for governmental services through the levy of taxes, and to keep the economy balanced.  The Supreme Court’s obligation is to make decisions based on the Constitution as a whole.  Both political parties agree with these ideals.  The only conflict they have is how to implement these ideals.  If the party members can keep in mind their main purpose, to serve the people, they can work out their differences in a nonpartisan manner.