A blog from Steve Weins http://www.stevewiens.com/ reminded me of how when I am afraid sometimes I just have to push through and do it. Teaching ESL comes easy for me. Being with the animals at the humane society comes easy for me. But when it comes to my own elderly cat, sometimes I am clueless. I wish we could have a common language where he could tell me what is wrong and I can tell him I will take care of him.
Writing is another thing. Whenever I sit down in my chair in front of my computer my stomach does a little dance. It is not a happy dance. And I pray, "Jehovah Jireh, give me wisdom." One minute I think I know what I am doing and the next I am thinking, "am I crazy?" It would be so easy for me to quit. But I have told too many about my story and my memoir, partly because I know this propensity I have to quit when the going gets tough. But in my heart, I don't want to. Like Steve's son being afraid to go to school, I must just do it.
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