Monday, May 6, 2019

Nazareth and Galilee

 In these first 4 photos is the Basilica of the Annunciation.  Here is where Mary is told by the angel Gabriel that she is going to give birth to the Son of God. On the right is the Grotto where it happened.

In the next four photos is the place where Joseph's workshop is.  The statue is of Joseph.  

 This is the Church of the Beatitudes, from the Sermon on the Mount.  

It was in Galilee that I started to notice all the stray cats in Israel.  Everywhere I went there was a cat.  And like a magnet I was drawn to them.  I had to pet them.  Most wanted my attention, even one jumped on my lap and rubbed his face on my face, even though I was just squatting.  They called me the cat whisperer.  I don't know why there are so many cats. I was told the people don't mind it, they keep control of the rodent population.  But dogs are regulated, they have to be leashed.  I didn't see too many dogs, just a lot of cats.  

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