Monday, April 22, 2019


The top pictures are of the Shepherd's Fields and the church that was built there.  Again, I don't know if these are the actual fields that the shepherds heard the angels proclaim the birth of Jesus.  The church had wonderful acoustics as we sang a song, I think Amazing Grace.  

This church in Bethlehem is the supposed spot of Jesus' birth.  You can touch the stone upon which he laid, which is surrounded by a star, as in the picture on the top left.  Constantine's mother, Helena, found this spot, along with the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.  I was reminded of this when I watched last week's episode of Destination Unknown, on the Travel Channel.  I was also reminded that Bethlehem is in the West Bank, which is Palestinian territory, so we had to go through a check point.  It was unremarkable, we just cruised on through.  There are so many young Jewish soldiers carrying big guns in Israel that you get used to it.  All Jews have to join the military for a few years, except the extreme orthodox ones, they have an exemption.  

A friend told me that all people who visit Israel are blessed there.  I did feel blessed there.  I was happy all the time.  Granted, I was worried throughout the trip as well about various things, but I survived them all and felt a part of something bigger, as I was on a tour.  But I was also among the many who visited Israel.  I have yet to meet anyone who hated their trip there.  And I have met people who hated their trips to various places.  So many Israel is a blessed place.  

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