Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Belated Thanksgiiving

I am thankful for:
my loving family
my comfy and cozy home
my dependable car
being born in USA
my loving friends
my career
my education
my art that I create
my Bible
My Jesus
my salvation
my many freedoms
my computers
my church
my pets
my travel memories
family memories
and so much more!

It is easy to forget how much I have, and easy to wallow in self pity for what I don't have.  I have to stop and think about what I do have.  I heard a quote that I like that goes something like don't want what you don't have, but want what you do have.  I like that.  There are some things I have no control over, my career, romantic relationships, the weather.  But I do have control over how I respond and react to my circumstances.  So instead of feeling sorry for myself, I have to consciously be thankful because in reality, to much of the known world, I have more than them.  

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