Sunday, May 26, 2019

Final Israel

Acre-crusader city
These are the last days of my journey throughout Israel.  It was an eventful trip.  Now as I read the Bible, I can remember the places I've been and envision the sites as they were during Biblical times.
Not only was I transformed in  

Haifa-Bahai Shrine

 this way, I also was transformed relationally.  There were some great people on the tour.  Everyone was so nice and friendly, and so welcoming to me a person travelling alone.   A man even was so nice and friendly to me.  He paid me a lot of attention, spent time with me, 
Caesarea amphitheater

and we talked about many things.  It was nice, and it awakened that feeling that had died in me for so long. I had realized that I was so angry with men, and that I had a negative attitude towards them.  I came to realize that there were some  
Tel Aviv
Rabin Square

good men out there, and that they have feelings too.  It may seem simple and obvious, but it had not been for a long time for me.  So I am joining singles groups again, and on an online dating site, with better results this time.  I don't know what may happen in that respect, but I do know that this trip transformed me in more ways than one, and I am so thankful I got to go.  

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