Monday, December 17, 2018

Third Artwork

This is my 3rd piece of artwork.  It is an ink and watercolor paint picture.  I finished it at home as the art school had its usual break this month.  The breaks bum me out as I want to keep working on my art and yet have instant feedback.  But they have classes for 8 weeks and then have a break for 5 weeks.  So I took it home and it didn't turn out as I had hoped, I think it is too pale.  And I don't know what to do with the white space in the middle.  It was a picture from a fairy tale book, where this picture was the title page of each story.  I'd like to hang it up in my home but I don't know what to put in the middle.  What do you think?

This night I was supposed to go to a Bible study that I joined 2 weeks ago.  It is only the 2 leaders and I so far.  It is called a medical miracle group, as we have all had medical problems and persevered through them.  I am just getting to know them and now we won't meet again until after the new year.  And their group only meets an hour instead of the usual 2 hours.  At least it is every week instead of every other week.  It was the only group that fit my schedule and my specs.  So needless to say I am bored.  I think I may look for more work after the new year.  This working 2 nights a week is the pits.  What do you think? 

Monday, December 10, 2018


I have been a supporter of Voice of the Martyrs for many years, and recently they gave me a movie and book about Richard Wurmbrand, the founder.

Wurmbrand was tortured in a Romanian Communist prison for a total of 14 years, during the height of communism.  There were many atrocities done to many people in these prisons.  It boggles  the mind the depravity of the perpetrators.  But they were raised in hate, much like our present-day terrorists.  All they know is hate.  So even though Richard and many others suffered through a living hell, they still loved their attackers.  This is amazing to me.  How can one love others like that?  But I am reminded that it was not in their nature to love, but through Christ in them, that taught them and empowered them to love.

Because of this great love of Christ in these brave men and women, many were saved and redeemed from a life of hate to a life of love.  What an amazing witness this is of God's power, that He can change people to that extent.  That is miraculous.  Their stories remind me of how good I have it, and how blessed I am to live at a place and time that I am free to worship Christ and fellowship with other believers.  I am free to read the Bible and talk about it.  I just have many freedoms and am so thankful for that.  

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Belated Thanksgiiving

I am thankful for:
my loving family
my comfy and cozy home
my dependable car
being born in USA
my loving friends
my career
my education
my art that I create
my Bible
My Jesus
my salvation
my many freedoms
my computers
my church
my pets
my travel memories
family memories
and so much more!

It is easy to forget how much I have, and easy to wallow in self pity for what I don't have.  I have to stop and think about what I do have.  I heard a quote that I like that goes something like don't want what you don't have, but want what you do have.  I like that.  There are some things I have no control over, my career, romantic relationships, the weather.  But I do have control over how I respond and react to my circumstances.  So instead of feeling sorry for myself, I have to consciously be thankful because in reality, to much of the known world, I have more than them.