I so enjoy looking at memes on the internet. I really needed this laugh after my pseudo-nap where I sobbed because I missed my kitty.
My sister helped me put up my Christmas decorations today. After she left I intended to take a nap but for some reason, I guess because this will be my first Christmas without Chocolate, I started to cry.
I had intended to write today about the things I am thankful for, but them my grief got in the way and I started to feel sorry for myself. Sad that Chocolate was gone. Angry that he had to die. It just doesn't seem fair. I know life is not fair, but still, it is so hard to lose someone that I have loved for so long. Someone who greeted every morning I woke up and every time I came home. I just miss him and his beautiful face and his eyes that always looked at me as I looked at him. It amazes me how animals know to look at the eyes.
But I am thankful that I got to spend 18 years with him. I am thankful I helped him stop biting me. I am thankful that he finally stopped trying to eat the tree. I am thankful for all that I was able to do to make his life better.
But now that I think of other things going on in the world, I am thankful I live in a relatively safe place and in a country where I am free and considered equal.
I am thankful that I am free to worship Christ and not be persecuted.
I am thankful that my dad worked hard all his life to provide for his family.
I am thankful that my mom makes such good food and desserts!
I am thankful that my sister Lisa and I get along and have fun together.
I am thankful to have a brother-in-law that accepts me as I am and is a good father and husband.
I am thankful for my niece Emily that we have fun together. She is amazing in so many ways. She is so beautiful inside and out.
I am thankful for the dogs that help me in my sorrow.
I am thankful for my humble home. A warm bed to sleep in. Food in the fridge and cupboards. Clothes to keep me warm in this too-long winter.
I guess I have a pretty good life. I traveled a lot, got a college education, had a career, had wonderful family, relatives, and friends.
I guess I am pretty blessed. I can read and write, when so many in the world cannot. I can participate in my government when others cannot.
I am so rich compared to much of the world. I live in the greatest country in God's green earth.
And I have such brave men and women that continue to serve and sacrifice so that we can continue to have these great blessings.
God bless America!