My mom always sends me an email praising my blog postings. She always loves my writing. I don't know if this is because she loves everything I do, like my niece, or if she really likes it. But I am glad she does anyway.
Motherhood is the most challenging occupation of all. It requires knowledge of every facet of a child's life, all without compensation.
Yet motherhood has its rewards too. Every time you see someone on TV in a candid shot, they almost always say, "Hi Mom!"
My mom advocated for me from day one. She stood up to the doctors who thought they knew everything, and proved them wrong.
She lectured parents on teaching their children manners when they stared at me and made me cry.
She made me Spaghettios and grilled cheese every afternoon after school knowing that this fussy eater rarely ate lunch.
She made the best cookies and bars, satisfying our chocolate cravings.
She played games with me, made clothes for my dolls, and loved all my drawings.
She listened to me as I cried, her feeling as helpless as I felt, yet never letting on or losing her strength.
She rejoiced when I rejoiced, she cried when I cried.
She let me get mad, knowing that I was really depressed.
She is long suffering. She never gives up or gives in.
I think about all the pain I caused my poor mother. All the times I yelled at her in my selfishness.
I regret that.
But I think she knew. Mothers know.
I love her.
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