Monday, August 20, 2018

First Painting

This is my first watercolor I did art the Art Academy.  I first drew then inked the picture, then I used watercolors to paint it.  We only used the primary colors and black.  I guess the other colors in the paint box don't reflect the other colors perfectly, so we had to learn to mix colors to get the desired effect.  That was the hardest part.  You look at the color, brightness, and other factors when you are mixing your colors.  But I still enjoyed it and look forward to coming back after their too long break!  I still don't want to leave the class, I so enjoy it.  And I still find it relaxing.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


My parent's beloved dog, Minnie, passed away last Thursday.  She was very sick and not getting better, so they decided to peacefully end her suffering.  Although I don't live with my parents, I loved Minnie as if she was my own.  She helped me when I lost Chocolate, and when I was recovering from my dislocated shoulder.  She helped all of us when my dad dislocated his hip.  She protected my mom and I from strange animals and hyper dogs.  She protected her doggy friend from an aggressive dog.  She was always taking care of us. I guess she got worn out worrying about us.

She was always happy to see me, which made me smile.  Dogs don't care what you look like or what you do for a living.  They just want to be loved.  And that's all Minnie wanted too.  She didn't play with toys or chew on bones.  She just wanted to be loved.  I could spend all day scratching her and petting her and that wouldn't be enough.  She just wanted to be with us, no matter what we were doing or where we were.

Now going to my parent's house is very quiet, and I miss her presence.  She loved to lay on the couch with us, or sit in our laps.  She loved to race with the cart as we drove it around the property.  She just loved life, she was so happy and energetic.  

But she got old, like we all do.  I want her back but not as in the end, but when she was happy and smiling her doggy smile.  It always seems too soon when we have to say good-bye.  We are never prepared enough.

Minnie was a rescue dog, and the best dog.  Rescue pets seem to know they have been given a second chance.  So I'll end this with a plug to adopt, don't shop.  There are too many wonderful pets out there who just want a second chance.  

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

History Matters

I went to this museum this past weekend as they had two new exhibits I had not seen.  This is a great museum for all ages, for it is hands-on, and makes history come alive.  It is not just about MN, but how history affected and is affected by MN.  They also have two great stores with lots of fun gifts, and a cafe with the best chicken wild rice soup.  I highly recommend this museum, along with all the other MN Historical Society sites throughout MN.  I haven't been to them all but the ones I have been to have been very interesting and relateable.  I like their motto, History Matters, because it does.  The older I get the more nostalgic I get,  and it is meaningful to see and experience the things I knew as a child.  History is part of our makeup, it is part of our story.