A few weeks ago some people told me I don't always have to be right. I think I have been told this for many years, but never really listened until now.
I think I never realized that I did this, that I always argue and tried to correct people. I mean, I knew, but I didn't realize how much it hurt people. My family seemed to tolerate and even laugh, until it got to be too much, even for them.
For a while there I felt such remorse and regret. I watch Big Bang Theory and laugh at Sheldon, knowing that I am like him too in some ways. But TV is not real life. Real people have feelings.
I finally thought to myself, "It isn't about being right, it's about being loving." And I have to keep reminding myself of this. Because it is so easy to act like I know everything. I forget that sometimes people don't like that and they might feel hurt. The last thing I ever wanted to do is hurt people's feelings. Then I find out I have. And it broke my heart.
So here I am telling the world that I have this problem. I will probably always have this problem. But as they say, knowledge is the first step. Now I know, I can hopefully become more aware of it. It is so easy for things to come out of my mouth before I think. I much prefer to write. Too bad we can't edit our speaking.